Why IPF Software for Psychiatric Facilities has Become Vital in Post COVID-19 Era?

The majority of youth and mid-aged adults experience moderate to high levels of stress. The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown have made conditions even worse. Factors like isolation, fear, and anxiety can largely contribute to behavioral health problems.

With more and more people looking for mental and behavioral support, the adoption of IPF software in psychiatric facilities and care has become vital. Quality patient treatment is a primary aim for healthcare facilities. But daily workloads, billing, administrative tasks, and other operations get in the way. So, here comes behavioral health EHR software to your aid, helping to meet current industry standards and patient expectations.

Behavioral Health Scenario in Post COVID-19

According to National Health Interview Survey, approx. 40% of American adults report symptoms of depression and anxiety. The same mental issues affect more than 56% of young adults, most are prone to substance abuse and suicidal thoughts.

The number of people needing mental support has grown even after the pandemic is over. These factors emphasize adopting behavioral health IPF software to help mental healthcare practitioners manage high workloads by simplifying operational, financial, and administrative tasks. Make sure the software has essential features to achieve the desired efficiency boost.

Must-Have Features for IPF Software

Inpatient Psychiatric Facility (IPF) Software should have key features to increase staff productivity and patient satisfaction rate. So, let’s take a closer look at them.

1. Document Management

All-inclusive behavioral EHR software can help manage treatment plans, billing reports, progress notes, psychological analyses, and other documents. For better productivity, use a platform that has an intuitive interface with click boxes and drop-down menus for fast input.

2. E-Prescribing

Time to replace paper-based prescriptions with electronic health record (EHR) software, useful for both multi-provider and single-provider facilities. It can help reduce healthcare costs, and billing errors, and improve patient satisfaction rates.

3. Treatment Planning

A comprehensive platform can streamline every aspect of patient treatment. It allows providers to track, plan, and review treatment courses and prescriptions. The platform will automatically alert patients in case of scheduled shifts.

4. Appointment Scheduling

Custom IPF software can coordinate with the calendar and automatically send notifications via SMS, email, or even audio reminders. This way, providers and patients don’t forget about important appointments — no more poor scheduling and effect on revenue.

5. Patient Portal

A patient portal allows clients to schedule appointments, upload necessary documents, and pay bills themselves. Software with a user-friendly self-service portal can simplify the intake process and save ample time for both staff and patients.

6. Reports and Charts

Behavioral health software with an advanced report generation system can help practitioners provide better care and treatment. Thanks to quick and timely access to health-related information and medical history, allowing professionals to review a patient’s condition and progress clearly.

7. Drug Abuse

Psychiatric patients are likely to get addicted. Drug abuse forms and information help psychiatrists understand patients’ dependency levels on addictive substances. An integrated EHR for psychiatric specialty auto-fill the form with patient demographic information, medications, diagnosis codes, etc. to minimize redundant data entry.


The rapid increase in demand for mental care requires a change in medical practices regarding how practitioners manage, schedule, and deliver behavioral health services. Thanks to IPF software, helping providers manage clinical, administrative, and operational processes.

EHR software designed for psychologists, psychiatric, and other behavioral health professionals can enhance patient satisfaction and boost practice efficiency.